◆Similarities to Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The people you see here have been here for 47 years. Those who were born here, the first generation, are now grandparents have yet to see their homeland as a result of an occupation, occupation, nothing else, a military occupation, and oppression that a whole society. A rare case where a family didn’t lose their son, father, daughter, grandfather or grandmother.
This reminds us of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All families that were there suffered, have lost something similarly. We lost our parents, grandfathers, grandmothers and many people in this war, like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This can be projected on the Occupied Territories of Western Sahara.

------In Japan, Western Sahara issues are almost unknown. “Friends of Western Sahara Japan” has established in 2019, which is a citizen’s group in support of solution for Western Sahara issues. I feel that we have just reached at the first point of knowledge of Western Sahara.

◆Not eternal occupation
Respectful countries think in the long term, not in the short term. They act with a vision that looks ahead, not at immediate benefits.
Japanese are wrong if they think that this is an eternal occupation, or any other nation.
Objectively, they should defend their interests with Morocco or other nation. But not on the expense to be hostile with these oppressed people.
We will reach Western Sahara tomorrow, or after tomorrow, or even after a century. We will get to goals.

◆I will never forget two things
Plus, I will never forget two things. I will never forget the difference between the two: those who have been on our side and those who have opposed us.
So, it means that they are not looking for their strategic interest in the region. They should have a longer vision, not and immediate one, for tomorrow or after tomorrow.
We thank very much for the efforts of the people and association whom we have met.

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