<Photo Report> People are exploited in mobilized for forced labor (1) Urban view
Mobilized women for free labor for a construction work. They complain a lot for the loss of time, which is, needless to say, exploitation by the power. People feel real pain all year long as they are mobilized to provide free labor for beautification of city or public works other than regular mobilization such as helping farm village in the spring and the fall. Taken by Koo Gwang-ho/ ASIAPRESSMobilized residents are collecting gravels for construction of green house in the front of a business building within an apartment complex. Taken at Pyongsung city by Mindulle/March 2013/ASIAPRESS.
Mobilized labor became an everyday’s routine in big city like Pyongyang because of frequent city beautification. It causes big hassle to people. The reality is shown through the video recorded by our reporting partner. (Paek Chang-ryong)
Officer in charge of mobilized labor checks the quantity of gravels brought by a resident at Pyongsung city. Taken by Mindulle/March 2013/ASIAPRESS