Loosely fitting uniform around neck. A 30-year old noncommissioned officer said that he was on his way to home because of malnutrition. He belonged to a construction corps. Taken at Northern region on August 2013. (ASIA PRESS)
Loosely fitting uniform around neck. A 30-year old noncommissioned officer said that he was on his way to home because of malnutrition. He belonged to a construction corps. Taken at Northern region on August 2013. (ASIA PRESS)


◆ Hunger of soldiers started from 80’s.

Lee Sang-bong, a defector from North Korea in Japan said: “Soldiers ate their fill until around 1975. Meal was composed of 800gram of half of rice and mixed grains with egg and even meat. Soldiers were of sturdier build than civilians. Without completion of military service, it was not possible to be a member of Worker’s Party, thus no opportunity to succeed in the society. The parents urged their sons to join the military. Deterioration of the military meals began at the early of 80’s. It was from around “the March of Hardship” in the 90’s when the death from starvation in the military began.” It is a generally agreed opinion of elderly people in North Korea.
Related article: <Kim Jong-un’s Starving Soldiers – “Just a spoonful of oil for me…” A soldier pleads for grace>

The noncommissioned officer said “(so hungry) just spoon of oil, please.” The reporter was unable to stand and gave him a bread. He just snapped up and took it to his mouth. A poor child was picking up crumbs. Taken at Northern region on August 2013. (ASIA PRESS)
The noncommissioned officer said “(so hungry) just spoon of oil, please.” The reporter was unable to stand and gave him a bread. He just snapped up and took it to his mouth. A poor child was picking up crumbs. Taken at Northern region on August 2013. (ASIA PRESS)


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