ASISPRESS collected 65 secondary school textbooks published under the Kim Jong-un regime, compiling digitized versions of them onto a DVD. The DVD includes, but is not limited to: The Revolutionary Activities, Socialist Ideology, History, Geography, Korean Language, English, Arts, and Technology.  Public use of the content is allowed in class rooms, academic meetings, open-shelf and lending in a library.

We will only sell 200 DVDs. 


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※ The material is in Korean only. There is no English version.

↓How to buy


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↓Overview of the textbooks

The DVD is a compilation of digitized secondary school textbooks that had been published from May 2013 to October 2015 under the Kim Jong-un regime.  A North Korean defector in South Korea smuggled them from North Korea in June 2016 and ASIAPRESS obtained the digitized version of the textbooks.  The DVD includes 65 textbooks mainly focusing on the humanities, history, and the North Korean socialist ideology.  As appendixes we added some primary school textbooks, a report from the “English Textbook Compilation Committee,” an outline of the English and Science education course, and some of the textbooks that ASIAPRESS has obtained previously. (Go to the list of textbooks)

Since we obtained textbooks that were actually used in North Korea and subsequently sold in a market, some pages have stains, doodles, damages.  There are, due to manufacturing defect, a few repeated pages and through human damage, a few missing or damaged pages. (Find out more information about missing or repeated pages)

Check it out before buying the DVD

• The copyright of the North Korean textbooks in this material belongs to the publishing companies including “Education Book Publishing Company” in Pyongyang. ASIAPRESS holds the whole responsibility on this DVD, however, it should not be distributed or used by copying or reproduction except watching. (Addition 2/22)

• The digitized textbooks are compiled on to one DVD, which is for viewing only.  Other materials such as books will not be attached.  It is available for Windows PCs.  ASIAPRESS does not guarantee the compatibility of the DVD with Macintosh PCs and third party DVD players.

• Depending on the functionality of a computer and its DVD drive, it might take a long time to open the textbooks.  ASIAPRESS recommends Windows 7 or above, with 2GB of memory or above.

• The digitized data is compiled in the form of an HTML (including JavaScript) data file.  ASIAPRESS has added a copy protection to the DVD.

• Public use is allowed in class rooms, academic meetings, open-shelf and lending in a library.

• All of the textbooks are written in Korean. 

• There are a few missing or repeated pages due to manufacturing mistakes and damages caused by humans. (Find more information about missing or repeated pages.)

• Unviewable DVDs can be exchanged with a new one. We will not accept returns.

• Go to sample pages→ View more
※ The material is in Korean only. There is no English version.