(Photo) Residents say they are worried about impoverishment and crime. Women gather in a residential area to talk. Photographed in Hyesan City in August 2013 by ASIAPRESS.

◆ Field Survey in Chongjin, the Third Largest City

Crime is on the rise across North Korea. In particular, there has been an increase in robberies, thefts, burglaries, and other incidents reflecting economic difficulties. There is widespread concern among ordinary people about the deterioration of public safety. Our reporting partner, who lives in Chongjin City in North Hamkyung Province, the third-largest city in North Korea, investigated the current crime situation (Kang Ji-won).

The research was conducted at the end of September in the Songpyong area along the coast of Chongjin City.

“I heard that about five incidents were happening every night, and the fear of the residents was growing. This is because the criminals are getting bolder and bolder. They dress up like the riot police of the security bureau (police), take people out of sight, rob them, and threaten them with knives under the guise of crackdowns and checkpoints.”

The following is an actual incident in the Songpyong area at the end of September, as investigated by our reporting partner.

◆ Increase in Crimes Committed by Discharged Military Personnel as Social Discontent Grows

In the evening, two men wearing inspection team armbands made a false accusation about how the mask was used, took him to an alley to inspect his luggage, beat him up, stole his bicycle, watch, and rice, and fled.
※ inspection team is an organization dedicated to enforcing social order. It is composed of civilians.

A woman working as a wholesaler of marine products was attacked by a group of men on her way home from Songpyong Port and robbed of her bicycle, money and watch. Her husband, who had accompanied her just in case, had his arm broken. The attackers were most likely discharged military personnel.

"The Security Bureau claims to be stepping up its crackdown, but crime is not decreasing at all. Therefore, the security bureau has decided to centralize those who have had their indoctrination (imprisonment) sentences reduced by amnesty and criminal records. The security officer in charge makes them report every time they go to work or move. However, there are many cases where not only those with criminal records but also those who are struggling to make ends meet are involved in crime to live," said the reporting partner.

In addition, there have been many cases of discharged military personnel who were deployed to rural areas after completing their military service this spring committing violent incidents and robberies in urban areas, and the security authorities consider them to be an important target for attention.

They have been strongly dissatisfied because they were "forcibly assigned" to cooperative farms, the poorest occupation, after serving eight to ten years in the military for the nation.

※ASIAPRESS contacts its reporting partners in North Korea through smuggled Chinese mobile phones.