Military <Inside N.Korea> Spring wheat harvest is finished and delivered to the army・・・Farmers rebel without their share 2023.07.31
Military <Investigation> Changes in how young people view military service: “Why do we need to become soldiers if we’re a strong country with nuclear weapons?” 2023.04.12
Military <Interview with Two N. Korean> The 1.4 million young people petitioning for the military was just for show…they know they won’t have to join up to fight against the Americans and South Koreans 2023.03.24
Military <Inside N. Korea>Suddenly pulls out “Storm Corps” from the border region, perhaps as a response to US-ROK drills 2023.03.19
Military <In-depth Investigation>N. Korea still boasts the world’s longest military service! This year, men are required to serve 8 years, while women volunteers are given 5 years 2023.02.20
Military Recently obtained “confidential document” signed off by Kim Jong-un reports on a gruesome incident involving a shock brigade 2023.01.27
Military The goal of N. Korea’s missile and nuclear development is to perpetuate the rule of the Kim family…The regime is ignoring the existence of its starving population ISHIMARU Jiro 2022.10.25
Military <Insider Interview>How have North Korea’s people viewed the country’s continued missile launches? With food shortages continuing, their distrust and disinterest in the government is deepening… 2022.10.14
Military <Interview with Two N.Koreans> What do people think about the military parade, missile launches, and controls on information? 2022.05.09
Military Kim Jong-un has started to make nuclear threats. Did he learn this from Putin’s strategy of escalation? What he’s protecting as his people starve...(ISHIMARU Jiro) 2022.04.30
Military <Inside N. Korea> Regime Maintains 8 Year Enlistment Policy but Shifts Focus to Training University Graduates for “Scientific Warfare” 2022.03.17
Military <Absolute Secret> Documents Detail Extensive, Multi-Generational Background Check Process for Kim Jong-un's Bodyguards 2022.03.07
Military <Article Contribution> Why does Kim Jong-un keep launching missiles? Exploring the Truth and Objectives (2) Weapons developed very quickly but mass production will prove difficult 2022.02.11
Military <Article Contribution> Why does Kim Jong-un keep launching missiles? Exploring the Truth and Objectives (1) There was advance notice and careful preparation. 2022.02.07
Military <Interview with North Korean Residents> “Win or lose, let’s have a war” Residents Desperate for Sanctions Relief Support Regime’s Recent Missile Launches to Pressure US 2022.02.05
Military COVID-19 Nationwide “Compost Battle” Begins Again: Cash-Strapped Regime Continues Missile Testing While Forcing Citizens to Collect Feces for Farm Use. ISHIMARU Jiro 2022.01.20
Military COVID-19 <Inside N. Korea> "Why did they kill him?" How residents feel about the recent shooting of residents escaping into China 2021.12.14
Military <Inside N. Korea> Serious Shortage of Military Rations Leaves Officers' Families Facing Hunger 2021.11.29
Military <Inside N. Korea>Authorities Concerned as Starving Soldiers Brazenly Attack Farms and Homes to Steal Food 2021.10.04
Military COVID-19 <Latest Photo Report> Scenes of North Korea Captured by Super Telephoto Lens (2) People Trapped in a "Cage” of Their Own Construction [ISHIMARU Jiro] 2021.08.24
Military COVID-19 <Latest Photo Report> Scenes of North Korea Captured by Super Telephoto Lens (1) Residents Replaced by Border Guards Along the Riverside [ISHIMARU Jiro] 2021.08.10
Military <Inside N. Korea>Discharged But Disgruntled: Former Soldiers Wreak Havoc After Being Sent to Cooperative Farms 2021.07.26
Military <Inside N. Korea> Poverty-Induced Civil Unrest Prompts Orders to Strengthen Security Around Military Bases, Police Stations, and Kim Family Statues 2021.06.28