Military <Inside N. Korea> Military Cuts (Part 3): Enlistment Rate Crashes as Malnutrition Plagues Military 2021.04.09
Military <Inside N. Korea> Military Cuts (Part 2): Frustrations Rise Amid Forced Deployment of Discharged Soldiers to Farms and Coal Mines 2021.04.05
Military <Inside N. Korea>Military Cuts (Part 1): Military service for men cut from 13 to 8 years... What are Kim Jong-un's intentions? 2021.04.02
Military COVID-19 COVID-19 and the Military (Part 2): “1 Thermometer Per Company”...Soldiers and Families Struggle to Cope with Harsh Military Quarantine Measures 2021.03.16
Military COVID-19 COVID-19 and the Military (Part 1): Starving Soldiers Shoot Stray Livestock and Desert to Survive Depleting Rations 2021.03.15
Military COVID-19 North Korea Under Strict Coronavirus Watch Again, Military Soldiers Ordered to Stay on Base 2020.11.26
Military COVID-19 Was the Incineration of a Shot S. Korean Official in Accordance with Kim Jong-un’s Instructions? 2020.11.09
Military <Inside N. Korea> “City of Fear”: State Security Command Deployed from Capital as Economic Deterioration Gives Rise to Drug Trafficking, Prostitution, and Organized Crime 2020.09.03
Military <Inside N. Korea> A Look at Korean People’s Army Recruitment through Secretly Obtained Documents (Part 2): Cultivating Kamikaze Dedication to Kim Jong-un 2020.07.27
Military <Inside N. Korea> A Look at Korean People’s Army Recruitment through Secretly Obtained Documents (Part 1): 13 Years of Stolen Youth 2020.07.13
Military <Interview with N. Korean Residents (Part 2)> “The South did nothing for us”: North Koreans Blame Defectors and Moon for Destruction of Border Liaison Office 2020.06.25
Military Interview <Interview with N. Korean residents (Part 1)> “South Korea at Fault This Time”: North Korean Citizens Sympathize with Decision to Destroy Joint Liaison Office 2020.06.24
Military COVID-19 <People’s Army Update> Soldiering Off: Bases on Lockdown and Annual Enlistment Delayed to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus 2020.03.26
Military <Inside N. Korea> “Peace is an Illusion”: Regime Ratchets Up Military Tension to Match Recent Hard-Line Stance 2019.12.20
Military <Inside N. Korea> Hyesan Heist: Police Search for Stolen Military Data, Suspect Inside Job 2019.06.24
Military <North Korea> Defying Debasement: Soldiers Disregard Orders, Hide Off Base to Phone Families 2019.06.24
Military <Inside N. Korea> “Chinese Forces Preparing for Regime Collapse?”...Police Chase Down Source of Rumors as Popular Dissent Snowballs 2019.05.14
Military <Inside N. Korea> A sergeant dies in the act (of stealing) ... Desperate soldiers raid smuggled goods to survive 2018.10.09
Military <Latest Report on N.Korea>Another year of emaciated soldiers in N.Korea; Young Soldiers suffering with Malnutrition (Four Photos) 2017.09.04
Military <Inside N.Korea> Defense Drill For Cruise Missile Attack: Soldiers Suffer From Malnutrition, Tuberculosis and Chaos 2017.06.07
Military Military <Inside N.Korea> North Korean Military Reinforces Protection Wall of Gallery, Feared by Trump’s Attack on Syria 2017.06.05