Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Crackdowns aren’t focused just on the “South Wave” anymore…Hands down the “April 27 Directive” to intensify crackdowns on the form of videos made by domestic individuals 2024.05.23
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Farm mobilizations in full swing across the country…State-run stores and markets operating shorter hours Rations are provided to those mobilized people 2024.05.22
Politics <Inside N. Korea>State-led smuggling resumes in the Yalu River, sends seafood and copper ore to China, bringing in UN-sanctioned goods like cars and machinery 2024.05.21
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Chinese RMB exchange rate surges, up 42.8% since start of year...National police agency warns individuals and businesses against using foreign currencies 2024.05.20
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Blindsided by information blockade...Unprecedented surveillance as defectors' families considered chief drivers of flow of outside information 2024.05.20
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Hungry elderly people flock to government office to demand rice, leading police to mobilize to put down unrest…Hyesan city 2024.05.13
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>April rations at the largest iron mine was just 3 kilograms of corn per worker…Anxiety-ridden workers voluntarily mobilize to farming work 2024.05.10
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Crackdown on primitive slash-and-burn farmers who hide in the mountains shows Kim Jong-un’s uncompromising efforts to control his population 2024.04.23
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Government confiscates private plots of farmland and forces people to return farming 2024.04.16
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> 'National Unified Price System' implemented on domestic products...Stores are given booklet showing prices in new system… Government aims to tighten control over economy 2024.04.15
Recommendations <Investigation> Why aren’t North Korea’s women having babies anymore? (3) 'We aren't stupid, we don't want have kids who’ll turn into homeless'…Women have quietly rejected Birth Demands 2024.04.12
Society / Economy <Investigation>Why aren’t North Korea’s women having babies anymore? (2) Women increasingly avoid marriage to protect themselves...Men are considered a burden to women in N. Korean society 2024.04.09
Society / Economy <Investigation>Why aren’t North Korea’s women having babies anymore? (1) The fertility rate is already severely low…It’s rare to see anyone carrying babies around 2024.04.08
Society / Economy <Investigation Inside N. Korea> A shocking situation...How are the neglected elderly faring? (2) Children abandon and abuse their parents due to hardship…No support or measures from the state 2024.04.02
Politics <Inside N. Korea> Overseas worker deployments accelerate, some leave within a month...There’s a surge in applicants amid hardship 2024.04.02
Society / Economy <Investigation Inside N. Korea> A shocking situation...How are the neglected elderly faring? (1) Poverty-stricken elderly people live off begging and wander the streets 2024.03.31
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Implementation of the large-scale restructuring of trading companies(2) Trading companies criticized for becoming run like "personal property" and for corrupt activities. 2024.03.22
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Implementation of the large-scale restructuring of trading companies (1) Called “anti-socialist hotbeds,” government forces ‘bases’ of trading companies to close down and consolidate 2024.03.19
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Workers frustrated by worsening workplace rations…Some call out company officials in rare rebuke 2024.03.14
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Surveillance cameras are popping up in markets, restaurants, roadsides... "They are used to identify those responsible for increased crime and disturbances" 2024.03.08
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Preparation for construction mobilizations for Kim Jong-un’s “20x10 policy” are complete, but there’s already unrest and complaints among workers over supplies of food 2024.03.04
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Wigs, fake eyelashes emerge as a driver of exports abroad, but laborers work in very poor conditions 2024.02.26
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Efforts to implement the“20x10 policy for regional development” begin…As people are mobilized to construction projects, complaints start to emerge 2024.02.23
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Kim Jong-il birthday festivities smaller than in the past…special rations reduced due to lack of funds…focus more on labor mobilizations, with some events canceled 2024.02.21