Movie [Video Report] Chinese products and currency are playing a vital role in N.Korean market 2017.01.20
News HomelessKotchebi <Photo Report> Kotchebi, the Homeless, Under the Kim Jong-un Regime (PART2) Toddler worn out on a street while regime shows off luxury orphanages 2017.01.20
News HomelessKotchebi <Photo Report> Kotchebi, the Homeless, Under the Kim Jong-un Regime (PART1) A girl and a boy–probably siblings–sleeping on a street 2017.01.17
Movie [Video Report] What do the ordinary people eat in N.Korea? There are many types of food sold at hawker stalls. (Hawker stalls are individually owned food stalls) 2017.01.13
News <New Year’s Report from N.Korea> Kim Jong-un’s Reputation Continues to Fall: Citizens Critical of His “New Year Address.” 2017.01.13
News <Inside N. Korea> Bank Card and ATM Appear in Local Cities. Split Responses; “Convenient” and “Still Can’t Trust the Government.” 2017.01.10
News <Inside N. Korea> Worsened power supply paralyzed the train system, reportedly causing deaths in a stopped train 2016.12.29
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N.Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART8, FINAL) The “class system” is being shaken. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.29
News <Inside N. Korea> Drastic Increase of Inmates at “Labor Training Camps”: “People Dying of Malnutrition and Physical Abuse”, a Former Inmate Testifies. 2016.12.28
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N.Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART7) Information from outside being commodified and spread across the country. The government is losing control of the movement of citizens. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.28
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N.Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART6) Collapse of the food rationing system weakened control over the people. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.27
Movie [Video Report] A rare glimpse of ‘No. 10 Checkpoints’ set up by the State Security Department 2016.12.26
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N.Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART5) State-owned houses sold in the markets as the housing market established. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.26
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N. Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART4) Marketization leads to rapid development of the transport system. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.22
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N. Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART3) State-owned transportation is in a miserable state. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.21
Society / Economy market economy <Inside N. Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART2) The black market and “farmer’s market” connect. by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.20
Recommendations market economy <Inside N. Korea> Expansion of the market economy as the driving force behind social transformation--based on sources from inside N.Korea. (PART1) by ISHIMARU Jiro 2016.12.19
News <Inside N. Korea> Student absenteeism on the rise due to excessive requisition from school; a third of students are absent from school in local cities. 2016.12.19
News N. Korean TV pixelates the image of the protest against Park Geun-hye. What do they want to hide? 2016.12.14
News Market <Inside N. Korea> Market survey shows “Resolution 2270”, the toughest-ever sanctions, didn’t work. 2016.12.06
News <Inside N. Korea> A recent flood has left thousands dead: following the flood mass forced-migration of the poor into the affected area. 'Entire villages have disappeared. ' 2016.12.01