Society / Economy <Investigation>Current living conditions of North Koreans (3) The free healthcare system that the Workers’ Party boasts has completely collapsed 2024.07.03
Society / Economy <Investigation>Current living conditions of N. Koreans (2) How is public education corrupting 2024.07.02
Society / Economy <Investigation>Current living conditions of North Koreans (1) Poor infrastructure…conditions surrounding water, electricity, heating, and restrooms 2024.07.01
Society / Economy <Interview with a N. Korean Woman>What was happening in the spring of 2024? (2) Excluding S. Korea and erasing unification; Reign of terror 2024.06.28
Society / Economy <Interview with a N. Korean Woman>What was happening in the spring of 2024? (1) Who is starving and why? 2024.06.26
Politics <Inside N. Korea>Army removes 'unification' phrase with paint, even removing 'sacred words' of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il, confusing many poeple 2024.06.12
Society / Economy <Interview from Inside N. Korea>The state of North Korea's smuggling activities, which has expanded dramatically and includes many UN sanctioned items 2024.06.04
News Farmers protest against lack of food rations, police mobilized Cadres diverted food to other uses 2024.06.03
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Regime hands out rice to rural food-short households, “Pay back in the fall with 30% interest” 2024.05.29
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Crackdowns aren’t focused just on the “South Wave” anymore…Hands down the “April 27 Directive” to intensify crackdowns on the form of videos made by domestic individuals 2024.05.23
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Farm mobilizations in full swing across the country…State-run stores and markets operating shorter hours Rations are provided to those mobilized people 2024.05.22
Politics <Inside N. Korea>State-led smuggling resumes in the Yalu River, sends seafood and copper ore to China, bringing in UN-sanctioned goods like cars and machinery 2024.05.21
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Chinese RMB exchange rate surges, up 42.8% since start of year...National police agency warns individuals and businesses against using foreign currencies 2024.05.20
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Blindsided by information blockade...Unprecedented surveillance as defectors' families considered chief drivers of flow of outside information 2024.05.20
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Hungry elderly people flock to government office to demand rice, leading police to mobilize to put down unrest…Hyesan city 2024.05.13
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>April rations at the largest iron mine was just 3 kilograms of corn per worker…Anxiety-ridden workers voluntarily mobilize to farming work 2024.05.10
Military <Inside N. Korea> Recruitment for the world's longest military service (3) Poor supplies, uniforms are late in coming, and thieves...Regime forces people to donate supplies to military 2024.05.08
Military <Inside N. Korea> Recruitment for the world's longest military service (2) Bribery in the military selection process... an unbridgeable gap between rich and poor before military life even begins 2024.05.02
Military <Inside N. Korea>Recruitment for the world's longest military service(1) This year 8 years for men, 5 years for women 2024.04.26
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Crackdown on primitive slash-and-burn farmers who hide in the mountains shows Kim Jong-un’s uncompromising efforts to control his population 2024.04.23
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Government confiscates private plots of farmland and forces people to return farming 2024.04.16
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> 'National Unified Price System' implemented on domestic products...Stores are given booklet showing prices in new system… Government aims to tighten control over economy 2024.04.15
Recommendations <Investigation> Why aren’t North Korea’s women having babies anymore? (3) 'We aren't stupid, we don't want have kids who’ll turn into homeless'…Women have quietly rejected Birth Demands 2024.04.12
Society / Economy <Investigation>Why aren’t North Korea’s women having babies anymore? (2) Women increasingly avoid marriage to protect themselves...Men are considered a burden to women in N. Korean society 2024.04.09