Politics What occurred behind the veil in N.Korea 2020-2023 What occurred behind the veil in N.Korea 2020-2023…A disaster unfolding due to shifts in the Kim Jong-un regime’s policies…Part 1: A blind spot with no outside witnesses ISHIMARU Jiro 2024.01.18
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Government implements wage hike of more than 10 times (3) Wages are paid with cards as part of efforts to force people to buy food from the state 2024.01.15
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Government implements wage hike of more than 10 times (2) What are the intentions and goals of the KJU regime? People’s incomes have risen, but discontent is still deep…Wage hike part of the regime’s “rule over calories” 2024.01.12
Recommendations <Inside N. Korea> Government implements wage hike of more than 10 times (1) Wages increase for employees of state-run enterprises and government agencies 2024.01.06
Society / Economy <Investigation Inside N. Korea> How is the country’s fishing industry doing? (3) Prices of eight kinds of popular seafood in 2 cities 2023.12.31
Politics <Interview> How was the public execution in Hyesan carried out?…In just four months, three executions have occurred in the city… “We were lined up at our places of work and marched to the execution site” 2023.12.29
Society / Economy < Investigation Inside N. Korea> How is the country’s fishing industry doing? (2) Distribution of seafood faces challenges due to severe government restrictions…Why are private businesspeople unable to distribute their goods? 2023.12.28
Politics <Urgent Report> Public execution takes place again on December 19, the third in Hyesan this year…large numbers of people mobilized to witness event 2023.12.27
Recommendations <Investigation Inside N. Korea> How is the country’s fishing industry doing? (1) COVID and shrinking fishing grounds major problems…Kim regime’s restrictions on fishing lead some fishermen to financial collapse 2023.12.25
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> The government distributes coal as winter sets in…, but only 15% of what people need…Robberies of firewood and coal are common 2023.12.19
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea>Bootleg liquor is an anti-state act The government launches harsh crackdowns, aims to monopolize distribution of alcohol and prevent shortages of grain 2023.12.14
Politics <Inside N. Korea> The Major Changes Surrounding the November 26 Elections(2) Emergency interview with someone who voted in the election…Despite “Against” box at election booths, “nobody could vote against the candidate” 2023.12.05
Politics <Inside N. Korea> A year after “Kim Ju-ae“ ’s first appearance, what kinds of things are people saying about her? 2023.11.30
Politics <Inside N. Korea> The Major Changes Surrounding the November 26 Elections(1) For the first time, multiple candidates on secret ballots for preliminary election…a small change in past elections 2023.11.28
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Illegally printed study materials gain in popularity…How is this possible given N. Korea’s strict controls on publishing? 2023.11.24
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Land-based trade restarts with China through Hyesan…Chinese trade delegation quarantined… “Lack of interest in trade with N. Korea due to distrust of trade policies” 2023.11.20
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> ASIAPRESS confirms that defectors were forcibly repatriated in October…N. K authorities warn would-be defectors that they will be caught by facial recognition systems in China 2023.11.16
Military <Inside N. Korea> Speaking to a Border Guard (2) Defections and smuggling are no longer possible…government finds ways to put a wedge between locals and soldiers over concerns of corruption (5 recent photos) 2023.11.15
Military <Inside N. Korea>Speaking to a Border Guard (1) Landmine Burial at the Korea-China Border? “Even soldiers are afraid because they don’t know where they’re buried” 2023.11.13
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (1-7) <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (7) Many people mobilized to harvest this year’s good yield of potatoes… But, “several tons of potatoes are going rotten in a storage facility each day” 2023.11.06
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (1-7) <Inside N. Korea > A recent report on conditions at farms (6) Major investigation underway after end of harvest to uncover corruption by cadres…Unfair punishment causes uproar on one farm 2023.11.06
Photo <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (1-7) <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (5) Telescopic lens captures conditions in farming communities – 2 The highly-fortified border is akin to a disputed zone…why? (10 photos) 2023.11.06
Society / Economy <Inside N. Korea> Food conditions improve in northern part as newly harvested potatoes, lessening concerns about starvation…Rice prices also fall…People say “We must do anything to survive” 2023.10.30
Photo <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (1-7) <Inside N. Korea> A recent report on conditions at farms (4) Telescopic lens shows the present conditions in North Korea’s farming communities -1 Photographs show people mobilized for farming (5 recent photos) 2023.10.26