To order you should have a registered PayPal account. Choose the destination and click "BUY NOW." This will take you to PayPal Online Payment. Fill out the necessary PayPal forms. Do not forget to choose COUNTRY. You will receive our e-mail response when your order is confirmed. A receipt will be issued for all orders ------------------------------------------------------- Rimjin-gang : 5,000 JPYen(approx:US$40) Shipping : 1,000 JPYen(approx:US$11) NEW Postcard(optional) for 700 JPYen *PURCHASE Example: Rimjin-gangX1 ---- 5,000 JPYen (US$40) <& PostcardX1 ----- 700 JPYen(US$8) - Optional> + Shipping ------ 1,000 JPYen (US$9)
------------------------- = TOTAL: --- 6,700 JPYen(US$57) (Choose your order from the following pull-down menu: Rimjin-gang/BOOK & Postcard)
PLEASE ALLOW 7-20 days for delivery. (It depends on the destination) The item will be shipped from JAPAN by SAL Post Service-Japan Post. (Indicated USdollar's exchange rate "approx: US$" is a rough guide. It changes according to the currency rates)

Rimjin-gang Postcard [Order postcards with Rimjin-gang] POSTCARD SET >>> (700 JPYen - approx:US$8) contains 12 photos taken by N-Korean journalist Chang Jeong-gil. 6 X 4 inch 15 X 10 cm
Bank-to-Bank transfer is also available. Receipt will be issued for all orders. For ordering by Bank-to-Bank transfer, contact us in beforehand by e-mail) rimjingang-en@asiapress.org
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